1. Perform steps
through to
2. Before transmitting, monitor the channel and make sure it is clear.
3. When receiving a signal, wait until the signal stops before transmitting. The radio cannot
transmit and receive simultaneously.
4. Press the Push To Talk (PT T) but ton (
) to begin your transmission. To confirm transmission
the LED will illuminate red.
5. For best transmitted speech quality, you must talk directly into the radio’s microphone (
) at
around 4cm bet ween your mouth and the radio.
6. Please note: if you talk into the top of the radio or with your mouth further away, you will
transmit poor quality speech.
7. When the transmission is finished release the PTT button.
The maker will not take responsibility for damage or malfunction as a result of the device
being incorrectly used or, applied for a purpose for whith it was not intended.
According to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive (WEEE), these ones
must be collected and arranged separately. If you have to throw them out, please, do not use
the usual rubbish. Please, contact your distributor for free recycling.
The maker guarantees to the device owner 12 months against any manufacture defect.
This guarantee do not cover the parts wich are consumables.
: to apply the guarantee its necesary to send the “GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE” duly
filled within one week after purchased the machine to the maker.