UV BARx1 version 2.2
Latest updated:
2 af 12
Safety and Health
UV BARx1 is a handheld unit intended for disinfection of bacteria and virus on surfaces. This
handheld unit has a UV-C lamp installed emitting radiation at 254nm. UV-C radiation, even in
small doses, can cause eye- and skin hazards. UV BARx1 must not be used if it is defect or
malfunctioning in any way. Unintended handling and/or use of UV BARx1 or using UV BARx1 in a
defect state, can cause danger to the user or to other people in the area.
Operating the UV BARx1 safely requires detailed knowledge about the dangers which can be
caused by the device and strict following of the safety procedures and directives in this manual.
The product is intended for use by one single operator to disinfect defined areas in offices,
institutions, clinics, production environments or other places where areas are being touched by
one or many humans, being a potential Hotspot for spreading of bacteria and virus.
UV BARx1 must never be used to radiate humans or animals. It is intended for exposure of
surfaces of different materials. However, frequent exposure of organic substrates can make the
materials more brittle, give them a chalky surface, and fade or change the color and other effects.
UV BARx1 is emitting UV-C light in 254nm, which inactivates by changing the RNA and prevents
the reproduction of bacteria, viruses and protozoa, so normal cleaning is still needed to remove
dirt and dust.
To secure safe and proper operation, the system must be handled and operated correctly and
used with suitable Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). The following pages will cover security
aspects that new users must always understand well and follow.
It is very IMPORTANT that all operators read and understand the Safety Instructions
Ultraviolet radiation
UV light from a UV lamp and specially UV-C light is very harmful to eyes and
skin. Proper shielding of persons and living organisms in the surroundings
within 10 m of the UV-C source must be established. Persons operating the
application or being close to it during operation must wear appropriate
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect eyes and skin against UV-C
radiation. Protection is needed against both indirect (reflected) and direct
For more details, please refer to the national safety regulations regarding
exposure to ultraviolet light.
Exposure to UV-C light may cause irritation to the skin and eyes. The
symptoms typically appear after 6-8 hours. In this case, contact your doctor
for treatment.