Schmid & Wezel
Seite / Page
27 / 34
Stand / Version
07 / 2017
7 Cleaning and Mainte-
Disconnect the unit from the
works mains before any clean-
ing and maintenance work!
Prior to starting any mainte-
nance, ensure that the lids (B)
are open (safety lock-out)
which will prevent the unit from
being switched on unintention-
7.1 Daily cleaning after comple-
tion of the slaughter
Trouble-free, continuous operation can be en-
sured only if the splitting saw is permanently
kept in a clean, hygienic condition. The ma-
chine should normally be disinfected before
each cleaning.
Observe the applicable safety and hygiene reg-
Disinfectants must not be allowed to come into
direct or indirect contact with foodstuffs. Rinse
the machine with clear water after disinfection.
Do not use aggressive sol-
Do not use steam or high-
pressure cleaners! Do not im-
merse the unit in water!
24. Cleaning interval
Cleaning the unit during operation after every
cut with hot water (maximum 70° C).
25. Periodically cleaning
After work, slacken the saw belt (see section
4.1.1 "Disassembling the saw belt", remove the
saw belt, clean with hot water and dry.
The same applies to the guide: remove after
every application and carefully clean the entire
drill hole for the holder (see section 4.2 "Saw
belt guide".
Use a cloth, brush and warm water (40 - 55 °C)
to clean the unit. Stubborn or encrusted dirt and
residue must be soaked beforehand. Clean us-
ing a cleaning agent, preferably as a foam, that
is applied to the surface to be cleaned and al-
lowed to work in for 15 - 20 minutes. Subse-
quently wash off the loosened dirt manually with
warm water.
Recommended cleaning agents
Diversey Lever Tego 2000: Surface-active
Diversey Lever GmbH
Mallaufstr. 50-56, 68219 Mannheim
P3-topax 91:
Surface-active disinfectant
Henkel-Ecolab Deutschland GmbH
Postfach 13 04 06, 40554 Düsseldorf
A cleaning plan and further details can be ob-
tained from the above company addresses.
The above mentioned cleaning agents are only
recommendations; if other cleaning agents are
used, the customer should examine the mate-
rial compatibility and the compliance with the
hygiene regulations.
26. Lubricants
Lubricants are subject to the regulations appli-
cable to the foodstuffs sector.
Recommended lubricant for gearbox:
EFA special grease
Order No. 001365644 (0.8 kg)
Order No. 001365645 (5.0 kg)
Amount of grease required for gearbox:
EFA SB 325 E: 2.0 - 2.5 kg
Grease recommended for all lubrication
points, guide and torque wrench:
EFA special grease
Order No. 001365623 (1 kg)
Order No. 001365624 (5 kg)
Oil recommended for oil bath of torque
Special oil:
Order No. 001365611 (0.5 l)
Order No. 001365612 (5.0 l)
7.2 Daily maintenance of split-
ting saw
In order to meet hygienic requirements, the belt
saw is to be serviced after every use.