Viking m3 Manual
Page 18
USB Keyboard Support (Disabled)
Enables or disables support for USB keyboards.
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk (Enabled)
When set to “Enabled”, the system will automatically turn off the PCI and DIMM
clocks which are not being used and reduce electromagnetic interference.
System DOC Support (Disabled)
When this function is enabled, the motherboard will pass the FCC Declaration of
Conformity test. This function is for compatibility testing.
CPU Warning Temperature (Disabled)
Enabling this function will allow the system to slow down when the CPU
temperature is over the warning threshold.
Current CPU/System Temperature
Monitors the processor’s temperature.
Current CPU Fan/System Fan Speed
Monitors CPU fan (FAN 2) and system fan (FAN 1) RPM.
VCORE, VIO, Vcc3, +5V, +12V, -12V
Monitors the conditions of:
Processor Core Voltage
Processor I/O Voltage
Onboard 3.3 Voltage
5 Volt Power Supply
-5 Volt Power Supply
12 Volt Power Supply
-12 Volt Power Supply
4.6 Power Management Setup
This menu allows you to control the motherboard’s green features.