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4.4 Parameter Window “Input Configuration”
This window allows setting parameters for binary input operating functions.
Fig. 7: Parameter window for “Input Configuration” with Function = “Windows Switch”
and “Cyclic Send” = “ON” settings.
This parameter allows setting of function associated to the binary input channel
as “Window Switch” or as “General Purpose”.
Windows Switch
General Purpose
Option “
Windows Switch”:
the thermostat detects when the input contact is
closed in case a window has been opened. The next parameter “Window Switch
Mode” allows setting of “Normally Close” or “Normally Open” contact.
As the contact has been closed by an external window switch connected to the
binary input the thermostat start up the “Antifreeze” frost protection function
switching OFF the heating/cooling system and sending the 1 bit object “Window
Switch” to the bus just signalling the event to a centralized unit or to a
supervision system.
Option “G
eneral Purpose”:
with this option the input channel can be used as a
standard binary input where the input signal detection based on rising or falling
edge or toggle ON/OFF can be selected with the parameter next.