HD1490 HD Encoder Frame Card
inserted for the next thirty minutes. Refer to CEA-608B for a listing of
hex codes for other possible program ratings.
Load Default XDS Packet:
<CTRL+A>P LPacket Duration Content
[Holdoff] <ENTER>
Loads an Upstream Priority XDS packet. This is called a "default" packet
because it will be output only when no XDS packet of the specified Class
and Type is present in the incoming video signal. When an upstream
packet is discontinued without a replacement or a Clear packet (two
Space characters), the Encoder will continue insertion of the discontin-
ued packet for a time-out period of 5 minutes to ensure continuity during
commercial breaks or replacement delays. The default packet will then
be transmitted until the upstream packet is replaced.
The Packet, Duration, and Content parameters are the same as for the lo-
cal priority Load XDS Packet command explained on the previous page,
except the Packet Class/Type must be entered with a leading "L".
Holdoff sets the number of seconds after which the
default packet will begin transmission once the five
minute upstream time-out period expires. The default
is zero.
<CTRL+A>P L105 -1 4840 <ENTER>
will create a default
program rating packet of None. This packet will be inserted beginning 5
minutes after an interruption in upstream program rating data, and will
continue to be transmitted indefinitely until upstream data resumes.
Report XDS Queue:
<CTRL+A>e [Packet] <ENTER>
Reports the contents and settings for the packet of the specified Class/Type
loaded in the XDS queue. An asterisk after the packet ID indicates that
max time-based preemptive priority has been set. If the Packet param-
eter is omitted, the entire XDS queue will be displayed. The following
information is displayed:
is the packet’s Class and Type. Default packets are displayed with a
leading "L".