Edwards EV1000 Clinical Platform Setup Manual Download Page 4

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physician. See instructions for use for full prescribing information, including indications, 
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PP--US-2699 v1.0 

Edwards Lifesciences 
One Edwards Way, Irvine CA 92614 USA

Start/stop a measurement and view arterial waveform
1.  Zero the HRS sensor (see Zeroing the HRS).
2.  Tap the Start Monitoring icon on the navigation bar (1)

An arterial waveform will appear at the top of the screen (2)

3.  Press the Home button to confirm.
4.  You may also view the arterial waveform on the trend 

screen by tapping the Screen Selection icon on the
navigation bar, selecting the Trend Screen icon, and
tapping the Arterial Pressure Waveform icon (3).

5.  Use the same icon to remove the waveform (3).
6.  To stop a measurement, tap the Start Monitoring icon 

on the navigation bar (1).



