eDW PP13x7 B Roomy
- This kit features the “Roomy” version of the PP13x7 snare. The other instruments and
room ambience have been adjusted to reflect a larger, brighter room ambience.
eDW PP13x7 C Direct
- This kit features the “Solo Direct” version of the PP13x7 snare. Ambience has been
removed and some instruments adjusted to simulate a “close mic” setup.
eDW PP13x7 D Dir&OH
- This kit features the “OHDir” version of the PP13x7 snare. Ambience has been
reduced and some instruments changed to simulate an “overheads only” setup.
eDW PP13x7 E Proc’d
- This kit features the “Roomy” version of the PP13x7 snare, with additional EQ and
compression applied, creating a big, punchy “processed” kit with added reverb.
eDW PP13x7 F Metal
- This kit features a tuned up “Mixed” PP13x7 snare, a clicky kick drum, low-tuned attack-
heavy toms and dark cymbals, along with heavy processing to create a slamming metal kit
eDW PP13x7 G Small
- This kit uses a tuned up “OHDir” PP13x7 snare with HIPASS filter applied, paired with a
smaller, higher-pitched instrument selection for that poppy, small kit vibe.
eDW PP13x7 H Vntge
- This kit uses a down-tuned “Roomy” PP13x7 snare, resonant kick drum, low toms, dark
cymbals and big ambience for that open, vintage feel.