- 37
The smoke discharge and plumbing connections must be
carried out by qualifi ed personnel who can issue an installa-
tion declaration of conformity complying with national law.
In Italy it is necessary to refer to the standard declaration of
conformity conforming to Ministerial Decree 37/2008 (pur-
suant to Law 46/1990) and standards UNI 10683/2012 and UNI
In the case of installation in a multiple-tenancy building, con-
tact the building manager before installation.
In France, it is necessary to refer to Decree 2008-1231.
In Italy the boiler-stove MUST NOT be installed in the same
space as type B gas heating equipment (e.g. gas boilers, stoves,
and equipment served by an extraction hood - ref. UNI 10683
and 7129).
In general, the stove could create low pressure in the room,
affecting the operation of such appliances or being affected by
(the plug must be accessible)
The boiler-stove is supplied with a power cable that is to be
connected to a 230V 50 Hz socket, preferably fi tted with a
magnetothermic switch.
The electrical system must comply with the law; particularly
verify the effi ciency of the earthing system.
The power line must have a suitable cross-section for the boiler
An inadequate earthing system can cause anomalies for which
Edilkamin cannot be held liable.
In case of problems with the electrical grid, consult an electri-
cian to evaluate the installation of a sine-wave UPS of at least
800 Va.
Power variations greater than 10% can cause problems for the
(to be mandatorily implemented)
The room where the boiler-stove is located must have an air in-
take with cross section of at least 80cm
to ensurereplenishment
of the air consumed by combustion.
Alternatively, the boiler-stove air may be taken directly from
outside through a 4 cm steel extension of the pipe. In this
case,there may be condensation problems and it is necessary to
protect the air intake with a grille, which must have a free-
section of at least 12 cm². The pipe must be less than 1 metre
long and have no bends. It must end with section at 90° facing
downwards or be fi tted with a wind guard. In any case all the
way air intake duct must be a free section of at least 12 cm².
The external terminal of the air inlet channel must be protected
with an anti-insect netting that does not reduce the 12 cm²
through passage.
For correct operation the boiler-stove must be level.
Check the load-bearing capacity of the fl oor.
The boiler-stove must be installed in compliance with the fol-
lowing safety conditions:
- fl ammability items must be kept at a minimum distance of 10
cm from the sides and back of the boiler-stove
- highly fl ammable items must be kept at a minimum distance
of 80 cm if placed in front of the boiler-stove
- if the boiler-stove is installed on a fl ammable fl oor, a sheet of
heat insulating material must be placed between the boiler-sto-
ve and the fl oor, which protrudes by at least 20 cm at the sides
and 40 cm at the front.
Flammable objects must not be placed above the boiler-stove
or at a distance that is any less than the stipulated safety distan-
ces. If connected to wooden walls or other fl ammable mate-
rials, the smoke exhaust pipe must be appropriately insulated
with ceramic fi bre or other similar material.