Igniting for the first time (by the Dealer)
Contact your local Dealer, which will calibrate the stove to suit the type of pellets and the conditions of installation.
Check that the plumbing has been done correctly and has a sufficiently large surge tank to guarantee safety. The fact that the stove has
its own built-in tank is NOT a sufficient guarantee of protection against the expansions and contractions caused by heat affecting the
water in the entire system.
Connect up the power to the stove and run a check while cold (the Dealer should do this).
Open the filler tap to fill the system with water (we recommend that you do not exceed a pressure of 1,5 bar)
During filling, vent the pump and the vent tap.
At first start-up, carry out air/water flushing via the valves (V) located under the cast iron lid.
First ignitions.
You may notice slight varnish smells when the stove is ignited for the first few times. These smells will soon disappear.
Before igniting, make sure that you check:
• That the stove has been installed correctly.
• The power supply.
• That the door is closed and the seal is perfect.
• That the combustion chamber is clean.
• That the stand-by reading (time and temperature set) is showing on the display.
Filling the worm screw.
If the pellet reserve empties completely, the worm screw will also empty. Before you ignite again, then, you will have to refill it as
follows: press both the + and – keys (either on the remote control or on the control panel) at the same time for a few seconds: when
you release the keys, the display will read RICARICA-LOAD.
It is normal that a small residual amount of pellets is left in the reserve and that the worm screw does not manage to drain them all
out. Once a month, you should therefore vacuum the reserve out completely, so that no dusty residues can accumulate.
Automatic ignition
When the stove is in stand-by mode, press the
(on the control panel or the remote control) for two seconds to start up the ignition
procedure: the display will read Start and launch a countdown in seconds (1020). Even so, the time taken by the ignition phase is not
set: it will be shortened automatically if the pcb detects that certain tests have been passed.
The flame will ignite after about five minutes.
Manual ignition
When the ambient temperature is lower than 3°C, which means that the electric resistance will not heat up sufficiently to cause igni-
tion, or if the resistance is not functioning temporarily, you can use solid fire-lighters to ignite the stove.
Introduce a well-it fire-lighter into the combustion chamber, close the door and press
on the control panel or the remote control.
Control functions
Functions controlled by the panel/remote control
When the stove is functioning or in stand-by mode, you can use the control panel:
- to increase or decrease the desired water temperature, by turning the
left-hand dial
or pressing the + and – keys.
- to vary the temperature of the water in the secondary circuit by turning the
right-hand dial
sk tecnica charme karma feeling multilingua_FOTOCOP_mod.qxp 03/07/2009 12.25 Pagina 35