Blockley
Eden
Greenhouses
Customer
Helpline
+44
(0)1242
Eden
Halls
Greenhouses
Ltd
The
Distribution
Centre
Stoke
Orchard
Nr.
Cheltenham,
Glos.
GL52
Eden
Halls
Greenhouses
Ltd.
hereby
agrees
(subject
to
satisfaction
of
the
Conditions
referred
to
below)
to
make
good
free
of
charge
by
replacement
or
repair
(at
our
election)
any
defects
which
we
shall
discover
upon
examination
to
be
due
to
be
faulty
materials,
components
or
workmanship
which
may
appear
in
our
greenhouse
kits
within
years
of
the
date
of
despatch
from
our
factory.
(Each
of
which
must
be
fulfilled
before
any
warranty
claim
shall
arise.)
1.
That
the
claim
is
not
attributable
to
any
fault
or
damage
arising
from
impact,
modification,
inappropriate
use
or
treatment,
incorrect
handling
or
exposure
to
corrosive
conditions,
or
the
greenhouse
being
kept
or
installed
other
than
under
normal
conditions,
or
to
war,
or
act
of
God.
2.
That
the
greenhouse
must
not
have
been
repaired
or
serviced
by
any
other
than
a
qualified
person
employed
by
us.
3.
That
our
instructions
as
to
the
assembly
and
the
use
of
the
greenhouse
and
its
base
have
been
strictly
complied
with.
4.
That
the
claim
is
made
by
you
as
the
original
customer
for
your
benefit.
5.
That
the
detailed
claim
is
notified
to
us
in
writing
within
days
of
the
date
of
discovery
thereof.
1.
This
warranty
does
not
cover
the
cost
of
labour
for
the
removal
and
replacement
of
any
parts
or
parts
replaced
free
of
charge;
such
costs
being
the
liability
of
the
customer.
2.
This
warranty
is
only
applicable
to
the
greenhouse
aluminium
framework
and
ancillary
parts
forming
the
kit
despatched
and
specifically
excludes
glass
breakage.
3.
This
warranty
is
personal
to
you
and
is
incapable
of
transfer
and/or
assignment.
4.
This
warranty
does
not
extend
beyond
the
cost
of
any
faulty
component
referred
to
above.
5.
This
warranty
applies
in
the
United
Kingdom
only.