Model 560H
high and low outputs for both the wideband and
filtered outputs of the amplifiers. Note that only
amplifiers equipped with switchable filters
(Options L, M, and N) will have a second output.
Also designed for bench use, this enclosure accom-
modates two Model 560H amplifiers. On the rear
panel is a barrier strip for each channel for all input
and output connections along with the zero-
detector switch which allows the user to turn off
the null-indicating LED’s on the amplifiers. The
internal power supply ±16 V for amplifier power.
The 560H amplifier can be used in a 516 Series
enclosure; but first, two jumpers identified as EE
and FF on the 560H must be removed. Figure 5-1
shows the reason. If the jumpers are not removed,
the plus and minus unregulated supplies will be
connected to the regulated supplies. The jumpers
are installed in the 560H when shipped.
Model 563H transducer conditioner-amplifiers can
be used in the 513 Series enclosures directly, and
the Models 560 and 561 can be used in them with
certain limitations. The specification for common-
mode voltage will be degraded because the Model
513 enclosures supply ±16 V to the amplifiers,
whereas the Model 516 enclosures supply
20 V
15 V. In addition, the Model 513 enclosures
do not contain the ±20 V unregulated supplies to
power the high-current options K, M, and N. This
can be overcome by jumpering Pin 10 to Pin 5 and
Pin 8 to Pin 3 on the required channels in the
enclosure. This will supply ±16 V to the high
current option.
Because of its low output impedance and the
available high-current output (Options K, M, and
N) the Model 560H can satisfy most load
requirements. R64, R65, and R66 (as shipped from
the factory, R64 is not used and R65 and R66 are
jumpered) are available for a variety of load-
matching needs. These could include matching the
characteristic impedance of an output cable, adding
an output divider, or adding a “T” network to
match for example the impedance of a light-beam
Since all amplifiers in one enclosure operate from
the same power supply, the output common of one
amplifier will be connected to the commons of all
other amplifiers in that enclosure. For most
Figure 5-1: Jumper Removal for a Model 560H in an E516 Series Enclosure