PNP/PCI Configurations
These options configure how PnP (Plug and Play) and PCI expansion cards oper-
ate in your system. Both the ISA and PCI buses on the Motherboard use system
IRQs (Interrupt ReQuests) and DMAs (Direct Memory Access). You must set up
the IRQ and DMA assignments correctly through the PnP/PCI Configurations
Setup utility for the motherboard to work properly. Selecting PnP/PCI Configura-
tions on the main program screen displays this menu:
Reset Configuration Data (Disabled)
If you enable this item and restart the system, any Plug and Play configuration
data stored in the BIOS Setup is cleared from memory.
Resources Controlled By (Auto(ESCD))
You should leave this item at the default Auto(ESCD). Under this setting, the
system dynamically allocates resources to Plug and Play devices as they are
If you cannot get a legacy ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) expansion card
to work properly, you might be able to solve the problem by changing this item
to Manual, and then opening up the IRQ Resources submenu.
In the IRQ Resources submenu, if you assign an IRQ to Legacy ISA, then that
Interrupt Request Line is reserved for a legacy ISA expansion card. Press
<Esc> to close the IRQ Resources submenu.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop (Disabled)
This item is designed to overcome problems that can be caused by some non-
standard VGA cards. This board includes a built-in VGA system that does not
require palette snooping so you must leave this item disabled.
INT Pin 1-8 Assignment (Auto)
Identifies the interrupt request (IRQ) line assigned to a device connected to
the PCI interface of your system.