Suspend Mode (Disable)
The CPU clock will be stopped and the video signal will be
suspended if no Power Management events occur for a speci-
fied length of time. Full power function will return when a
Power Management event is detected. Options are from 1 Min
to 1 Hour and Disable.
HDD PwrDown in Suspend (Enabled)
When enabled, the HDD will spin down when the system en-
ters suspend mode.
HDD Power Down (Disable)
The IDE hard drive will spin down if it is not accessed within a
specified length of time. Options are from 1 Min to 15 Min and
Soft-Off by PWRBTN (Instant-Off)
Under ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power manage-
ment Interface) you can create a software power down. In a
software power down, the system can be resumed by Wake
Up Alarms. This item lets you install a software power down
that is controlled by the power button on your system. If the
item is set to Instant -Off, then the power button causes a
software power down. If the item is set to Delay 4 Sec. then
you have to hold the power button down for four seconds to
cause a software power down.
Wake-Up by PCI Card (Disabled)
When this item is enabled, the system power will be turned on
if there is any PCI card activity.