Chapter 3
CPU Tcontrol
CPU Fan Speed
System Fan Speed
CPU Voltage
DIMM Voltage
PCH Voltage
System Component Characteristics
These items display the monitoring of the overall inboard hardware health events,
such as System temperature, CPU & DIMM voltage, CPU & System fan speed... etc.
Press <Esc> to return to the Advanced Menu page.
Smart Fan start PWM value (64)
This item is used to set the start PWM value of the smart fan.
Press <Esc> to return to the PC Health Status page.
Smart Fan start PWM TEMP (40)
This item is used to set the start temperature of the smart fan.
DeltaT (+3)
This item specifies the range that controls CPU temperature and keeps it from going
so high or so low when smart fan works.
Smart Fan Slope PWM value (7 PWM value / unite)
This item is used to set the slope select PWM of the smart fan.
CPU Fan Full Speed Offset(-) (67)
This item is used to set the CPU fan full speed offset value.