Solar™ Pool & Spa Heating System
-- Installation & User Manual
© Copyright 2019 Optex Solar Pty Ltd. All rights strictly reserved.
Page 33
Plumbing Variations
Below water level mounted collectors are allowed only in frost free areas, otherwise all
collectors and plumbing lines must be frost tolerant. Collectors should not be mounted such
that the lowest part is lower than 1m below the water line.
Below water level mounted collectors are subject to much harsher conditions than collectors
that drain down. These conditions include constant positive pressure, 75˚C stagnation
temperatures in summer combined with constant exposure to hot chlorinated water and frost
conditions. Extra maintenance to check collector and plumbing connection health must be
carried out. Extra care must be taken to ensure pH is non-acidic, i.e. greater than 7.5.
For below water level mounted collectors there is an increased risk of potential flooding
resulting from the failure of the systems below water level plumbing connections or from
extreme weather events. Extra care must be taken by the purchaser/installer, such that flood
water from such a failure at any point of a Vertex system will drain safely.
For ground mounted arrays, under no circumstances should a collector array be mounted in
anyway so as to compromise the effectiveness of a pool or spa Child Safety Barrier.
U-bends in the supply line will not drain fully and hence prevent air communication
between the vacuum release and the pump assembly and should be avoided if at all
possible. Preferably, all parts of the supply line should be sloped such that water drains
fully into the bubble chamber when the pump stops.