LAT-C Leaf Sensor
7. Adjustment and maintenance
When positioning the sensor please ensure enough distance to neighboring branches
such, that even under windy conditions no branches, fruits or other plant parts may hit the
If the sensor is installed onto a measurement leaf that is still expanding, the installation
has to be adjusted progressively until expansion growth has terminated.
When the sensor is correctly installed, it will function under outdoor conditions without the
need for further maintenance.
In regions with a pronounced winter season, the sensor should be deinstalled before snow
8. Technical Specifications
LAT-C : Leaf-&-Air Temperature Sensor, conifer type(*)
Application position, suit-
able for leaf size
Needle surface, standard size for needles > 5 mm length
Range of the sensor
- thermopile (
- thermistor (Tair)
T = +/- 20°C
Tair = -40 to 125°C
- thermopile (
- thermistor (Tair)
CR1000: +/-(0.06%*0.01°C)
CR1000: +/- 0.2 °C
- thermopile (
- thermistor (Tair)
Theoretically infinite, depends on data logger. (e.g. CR1000-Logger with
1 µV resolution within a Signal range of +/- 7.5 mV: 0.0025°C)
Theoretically infinite, depends on data logger (e.g. CR1000-Logger with
667 µV resolution within a Signal range of +/- 2500mV: 0.1°C)
Sensor weight
< 1 g
Output signal type
- thermopile (
- thermistor (Tair)
At a
T range of +/- 20°C signal ranges within ± 8.5 mV
Supplied with 2500 mV, output signal is 0 to 2500mV
Power supply
- thermopile (
- thermistor (Tair)
Not required
Excitation voltage Vex usually switched 2500 mV, power up 100ms
Power consumption negligible.
Operating conditions
Air temperature: -25 to 70 °C, air humidity: 0 to 100%
(*) patent pending