Place the smaller half back on top of the large half, lining up the triangles so that
they are pointing at each other. Twist together in the direction of the arrow, until
the triangle is now lined up with the dot and you hear and feel the button clicking
into place.
Ensure the Laundry Egg is fixed firmly back together before use, with the button
located in place and the bottom triangle facing the ‘dot’ as shown below.
How to refill your ecoegg Laundry Egg
After approximately each 72 washes, you will need to top-up the pellets in the Laundry Egg.
Top-up with one whole pack of white mineral pellets.
(Note: it is only the white mineral pellets that need topping up every 72 washes (approximately).
The dark coloured tourmaline pellets last for the entire life of the Laundry Egg and do not require topping up.
When refilling, you should leave the existing pellets in the Laundry Egg, unless there is not room, in which case
remove just enough of the old pellets to make room for the new ones. For best results, the Laundry Egg should
be as full as possible.