EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. 4-20mA Signal Converter MC-11 Instruction Manual V1
Pg. 9
5-2. Setup
1. Installation
After installation of the solar sensor the 4-20mA Converter can be installed. Open the enclosure of the 4-
20mA Converter by releasing the 4 top screws. Guide the sensor cable through the cable gland and secure
the cable gland to secure and seal the cable.
Note: In industrial environments to reduce potential EMI effects, the cable between sensor and converter
need to be short (<1m).
Note: Make sure that the power supply or current loop measurement device is switched off during installation
of the sensor output cable.
2. Electrical connection
Connect the sensor terminals to the input terminal of the 4...20mA converter as shown in the wiring
diagram below. For EKO pyranometers the Red terminal is connected to the (+ terminal 2) and the Blue
terminal to the (- terminal 1) of the converter input. The cable shield must be connected to the aluminium
housing by using the copper screw attached.
Guide the 2 wires output cable through the cable gland and secure the cable gland to seal the
cable. Connect the two wires to the output terminals of the converter (Voltage to + terminal 6 and return wire
to – terminal 5) and mount the cable shield to the aluminium housing by using the copper screws.
Mount the cover onto the enclosure and secure it with the 4 screws firmly. The 4-20mA converter is now
ready to be used. For proper operation one should apply a supply voltage in the range as specified. The
minimum required supply voltage is 12 VDC, which is needed to feed the internal electronics. In case of very
long cables the voltage loss across the cable must be compensated (24 VDC supply voltage recommended).
Figure 5-2. Wiring current output (4-20mA)