Congratulations! You are the owner of a carefully designed and manufactured
equipment. We thank you for having purchased our SMAC series mixer.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you read this manual before connecting the mixer in
order to obtain its maximum performance.
We recommend our authorised Technical Services whenever any maintenance task
should be needed so that optimum operation shall be achieved.
The SMAC series is a new and revolutionary mixer concept, designed by and for
PROFESSIONAL DJs, with ECLER’s state of the art performance and roughness.
The SMAC PRO40 introduces a new concept in the ECLER DJ mixers line, a compact
size mixer with 4 true channels and professional characteristics: balanced outputs, 2 channels
with assignable crossfader and three level inputs (PHONO, MIC, LINE).
Its new ergonomical design can be seen in the form and distribution of the controls
and connections. The SMACs are specially adapted to the latest trends in mixing, manipulation
and audio signal processing.
The sloped position of the main faders, the KILL system and the position of the
PUNCH buttons have been designed under ergonomic considerations.
The faders of the main channels, the PUNCH switches and the crossfader have been
grouped in an easy-dismounting module. The operating life of the crossfader has been extended
up to more than 300.000 operations (30 times more than a high quality mechanical crossfader)
thanks to the addition of an Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA). The VCA has also made
possible the implementation of a special transfer curve designed under DJ’s considerations. All
these components can be substituted by just using a screwdriver because they have multipin
The SMAC PRO40 has 4 mixable channels, with 7 stereo inputs: 3 PHONO, 2 CD
(compact disc) and 2 LINE, plus an extra microphone input.
All channels have an input lever switch selector and 3-band tone controls.
All inputs offer the PFL function in order to monitor any input signal, either visually
(through the VU Meter) or acoustically (with headphones).
3.1. Placement and mounting
The first thing to take into consideration when placing your SMAC is your comfort
and an easy access to all the connections.
The SMACs is basically conceived as a tabletop mixer and its usual placement will be
between two vinyl or CD players.
The optional metallic LSMAC side profiles kit allows you to firmly fix your SMAC to
the surface over which it is placed or over its own profiles (Fig.1).
These profiles also allow to tilt the mixer’s position for an easier operation.
Remember that the SMAC mixers have connectors in the front of the box and an
external connection must be provided when the unit is mounted on a rack.