Firmware V6.6.9
Operating input (optional)
A digital input for signalling the operating state of the associated consumer can be used and configured for
each load shedding stage. The operating input communicates the current operating status (ON/OFF) of the
consumer of the respective load shedding stage to the LSM. With appropriate use of this input, the load
optimisation can be significantly improved as the loading and unloading of capacity stages can be optimised by
the LSM.
If this input is not configured for a stage, operation of the consumer is always assumed. The operating input
only has an effect on the load shedding performance of the respective stage.
Power demand input (optional)
A digital input for signalling the power requirement of a consumer can be used and configured for each load
shedding stage. The power demand input signals its power requirement for the respective shed load stage
(requirement YES/NO) to the LSM and whether the total power is increased by its requirement in the case of an
enable. With appropriate use of this input, the load optimisation can be significantly improved as the LSM can
determine an optimum load shedding strategy.
If this input is not configured for a stage, power requirement of the consumer is always assumed. The power
demand input only has an effect on the loading of the respective stage.
The following diagram gives an overview of how the load management affects the various consumers and on
which paths the LSM and the consumers can communicate with each other via the CAN bus.
5.9 EU archives (HACCP)
Using the
in the system centre, it is possible to access the temperature archives (e.g. for HACCP) of
the temperature recording controller (e.g.
) integrated in the E*LDS system.
Careful planning and corresponding putting into service are required for successful start-up and
configuration of any load optimisation management. User and installation specific information of the
system operator and information that can be obtained from the demand profile of the installation using
the LDSWin PC software provide the basis for the planning. The correctness of the specified setpoints,
i.e, the efficiency and reliability of the load optimisation system can be recognised / checked very well
on these logs.