Launching Tracktion and Assigning Inputs & Outputs
Now it’s time to launch the actual program and set a few options:
1. Locate the Tracktion program on the “Start” menu or on the desktop.
2. Select the program from the menu (or double click on the icon) to launch the
When Tracktion first runs, it takes you to the Projects page. Move the mouse
pointer over various objects on the screen and you will notice that Tracktion uses
pop-up help to tell you about the interface.
Note that whenever you click on something you will see any available details,
controls or settings for it in the information windows at the bottom middle of the
screen. You can learn a lot just by clicking on things and reading the pop-up help.
You can also access a quick start guide and a more detailed help document by
clicking on the “help!” button in the bottom left corner and selecting “show the
Tracktion help pages…” or by pressing the F12 key on your keyboard. The first
thing you’ll want to do is set up Tracktion to play and record with your Echo
Audio Settings
1. Click the “Settings” tab at the top of the screen.
2. Select “Audio Devices” on the left.
3. Where it says “Wave device:” click on the drop down menu and select “ASIO
Echo WDM”.
4. Now you should be able to see a list of the available audio devices for your
Echo product. Go ahead and enable the inputs and outputs you want to use with
Tracktion by clicking on the red X and waiting for it turn into a green
Installing Tracktion