If you are using Windows 98:
After you have inserted the Darla24 CD-ROM disc and clicked
, you’ll
see the message, “What do you want Windows to do?” Below that are two
radio buttons. If it isn’t already selected, select the one labeled “Search for
the best driver for your device (Recommended)”. Click on the
and a dialog will appear with several check boxes indicating places where
Windows will look. If you are installing from a CD-ROM drive or from a
floppy disk, click on the appropriate box. Be sure all others are unchecked.
Click on the
button and Windows will locate the drivers on the install
disk and show you the
Copying Files . . .
window as it completes the driver
After the drivers are installed, you should verify that Windows recognizes
them. You can do this by checking in the Windows Control Panel as
Begin by clicking on the Windows
button. Then select
followed by
Control Panel
. Now double-click on the icon labeled
At the top of the
window, you will see a tab labeled
; click on the tab. Now locate the line labeled
Sound, Video, and
Game Controllers
. Double-clicking on the “+” to the left of the line’s
associated icon should reveal the line
Darla24 by Echo
; double-click on
that line. The “Holy Grail” that we’re searching for is a message that, if
everything is in working order, should now appear on your screen. In the
center of the Darla24 Properties window will be a section called “Device
Status.” Look for a message that reads “This device is working properly.” If
you see it, give yourself a hearty pat on the back for a job well done!