How to Avoid Damaging Surfaces
Damage to surfaces being cleaned occurs because the impact force of
the water pressure exceeds the durability of the surface. Bare wood can
be penetrated; paint can be peeled off, etc. You can vary the force of your
power washer by controlling:
1. The angle of the surface being cleaned
2. The distance of the nozzle from the surface being cleaned
use a narrow high pressure stream of water on soft surfaces
susceptible to damage.
Use the 25
angle quick connect nozzle when cleaning windows. Be sure
to place the nozzle approximately four to five feet away from the window
with the nozzle at forty five degree angle. Squeeze the trigger and vary
the spray pattern and angle until optimum cleaning efficiency is achieved.
• Use detergents designed for power washers. Contact your local ECHO
Bear Cat dealer to purchase an appropriate detergent. Hardware stores
or home centers also have power washer detergents for different clean-
ing projects. The cleaning solution should be the consistency of water in
order to prevent clogging your detergent bottle and nozzle.
• This system applies detergent under low pressure. The cleaning power
of the detergents is enhanced when applied with low pressure and
enough time is given to break down dirt and grime. The combination of
low pressure and chemical action is very effective and can be better
than scrubbing if applied properly. ALWAYS spray detergent on a dry
surface. DO NOT pre-soak area. Wetting the surface first dilutes the
detergent and reduces its cleaning ability. DO NOT allow detergent to
dry on surface. On vertical surfaces being cleaned, apply detergent to
lower surfaces and work your way up to prevent detergent from causing
streaks in the dirt and grime. Rinse detergent by pressure washing from
bottom up for same reason.
• If a stain is particularly tough, it may be necessary to reapply the de-
tergent and use a bristled brush to scrub the stain. Subsequent power
washing after brushing should successfully complete your cleaning job.