General Introduction
Thank you for choosing the ECD Model H10C conductivity instrument. The Model H10C
is a precision tool for measuring conductivity, salinity, TDS and temperature. A built-in
microprocessor stores, calculates and compensates for all parameters related to
conductivity and temperature determinations.
The H10C has an IP67 waterproof case. The mechanical keys are highly reliable with
tactile and audio feedback. This meter is powered by four “AAA” batteries. Re-
calibration is not required when power is restored.
The front of the meter has a large LCD that displays temperature and either
temperature compensated or non-temperature compensated conductivity, salinity or
TDS simultaneously with user prompts and mode indicators. The unit prompts the user
through calibrations and measurement procedures.
The Model H10C is available with a single four wire conductivity cell that measures from
2 µS to 200 mS. Its features include automatic conductivity ranging, automatic
temperature compensation, long battery life and 50/60 Hz AC noise rejection. This unit
is universal in application and user friendly for field, industrial and laboratory
Initial Inspection
Carefully unpack the unit and accessories. Inspect for damages made in shipment. If any
damage is found, notify your ECD representative immediately. All packing materials
should be saved until satisfactory operation is confirmed.
Though the Model H10C meter is housed in a watertight case, DO NOT use it
underwater. The watertight case prevents permanent damage to the unit if accidentally
dropped into non-corrosive solutions.
Follow these steps immediately if the unit is immersed in any solution:
Rinse unit carefully with distilled water. After rinsing and drying, inspect and
clean connectors to remove all contaminants that may affect probe connections.
Wait for the unit and probe to dry completely before resuming operation.
If the unit does not function correctly after steps1 and 2, call ECD for possible
repair or replacement (see Warranty).