40 Model Comprehensive
Troubleshooting Guide
Eccotemp Systems, LLC
315a Industrial Rd. Summerville, SC 29483
Thank you for contacting Eccotemp Systems Help Desk. Our goal is to provide you with the best customer service
If your 40H/HI has been working fine but is now having issues, ask yourself this question: What has changed?
There are a few basic things which can affect the operation of a tankless water heater, which are listed below.
1. Clogged filter screens
2. Low water flow
3. Single knob faucets
4. Incorrect gas type or gas pressure
5. Low or empty gas tanks
6. Issues with the electrical supply
7. Recent power surges (i.e. lightning)
8. High temperature setting
9. Blockage in the exhaust
If any of these things seem possible, then please check to see if it applies through troubleshooting prior to calling
customer service.
The first and most important thing to do is to make sure the gas being supplied to the water heater is correct for
your model. There is a plate on the side of the water heater which will provide the gas type that it was designed to
be used with. This plate will either say NG for Natural Gas or LP for Liquid Propane. Do not run your water heater
with the incorrect gas type.
Make sure the temperature is set to 120 degrees or below. The 40H/HI will overheat with low water flow. If this is
happening, remove any filter screens that are installed in your faucets and see if that alleviates your problem.
40H/HI is experiencing issues, but only at one faucet:
Is there anything different between this faucet and the other fixtures that are working properly? Usually this is attributed to
too little or too much water flow. Specifically if the water heater is overheating or shutting down during operation, check the
filter screen in your faucet and free up your water flow as much as possible. This can also be directly related to the faucet
being a single knob faucet. Again, free up your water flow as much as possible.
40H/HI will not turn on and doesn’t have anything on the display:
If your water heater does not show anything on the display and will not run, you most likely have an electrical issue. Check
to make sure that the main breaker supplying power to the outlet is not tripped. Also, if the power outlet that your water
heater is plugged into has an incorporated breaker, make sure that it is not tripped. A very easy way to test to make sure
the outlet is working correctly is to plug a different electrical appliance into it and see if it will turn on.