Ope ra tor’s In struc tions
Im por tant
Prin ci pal da ta
Ty pe
Max. work ing
Paint cup
pres su re
Ec co
30 7
301 7
302 7
303 7
Use Ec co gen u ine parts and ac ces so ries on ly for best
func tion and safe ty.
Be fore start ing, read through
all in struc tions
care ful ly.
Do not use halogenated hydrocarbons in coating ap pli ca tion
equipment where aluminium or gal va ni zed parts come
in contact with the solvent or coating ma te ri al.
Ha log en at ed hydrocarbons e.g. 1,1,1-thri chlo ro et ha ne and
methylene chloride react, violently with such parts, causing
corrosion and dan ger for ex plo sion.
The high vel o ci ty flow of air and li qu ids through ho ses and
nozz les may de ve lop sta tic elec tri ci ty. Be su re that the
equ ip ment, object being spray ed, spray booth, paint and was te
con tai ner are pro per ly groun ded to pre vent sta tic di scharge
or sparks.
Op er a tion
In stall and op er ate the spray gun ac cord ing to Fig. 1.
Blow the paint and air hoses clean before connection.
Check that all connections are tight (pay particular attention to the
connection between paint cup and spray gun).
Keep the spray gun clean and lu bri cate mov ing parts at regular
Lu bri cants for sur face-treatment equip ment must
con tain
sil i con.
Con nec tions and con trols
(see Fig. 1)
At o miz ing air hose con nec tion G 1/4.
Hose: In side dia. 6.3 mm (1/4”).
Paint hose con nec tion G 3/8.
Hose: In side dia. 6.3 mm (1/4”) or 9.5 mm (3/8”).
Paint needle packing adjusting screws.
Fan width ad just ing. If the knob is screwed all the way in a rounfan will
be ob tained other po si tions give broad fans.
Paint flow ad just ing. Clock wise turn ing re sult in a small er paint flow
and coun ter-clock wise turn ing in creas es the flow. The fluid flow is
regulated in the first instance by the choice of paint noz zle and paint
pres sure.
Paint spray ing
How to operate
Recommended paint viscosity differs according to paint properties and
painting conditions. 15 to 23 sec./Ford cup 4 is recommendable.
The gun is operate at low air pressure, high transfer efficiency will not be
obtained if the spray distance is to far.
Set the spray distance from the gun to the work piece as near as possible
within the range of 150-300 mm.
Air caps
The air caps are tested and certified according to the SEAVA metod.
This gives a ”finger print” of the spray pattern on each air cap.
For further information please contact your supplier.
The retaining ring for the air cap shall only be tightened with hand force.
No tools are required. Especially important when a capcleaner is used.
Air caps can be sent back for checking and comparity the performance.
For further interesting please contact your supplier.
In the event of leakage around the paint needle, tightening the packing
screws (see F Fig. 1). After tightening, check that fluid needle is pushed
forward by the spring force.
• For short standstill periods, for instance over a night, it will
suf fice to clean the air and paint nozzles on the outside. If a
two-com po nent paint is used, however, the gun
must be flushed
im me di ate ly
with solvent. This must also be done if the
gun is to re main unused for a longer period of time.
When cleaning the air cap and the paint nozzle, use a soft brush
or rag dipped in solvent. Do not place the entire gun in solvent,
as the oil on the lubricated parts would be dissolved. Blow the air
cap dry with compressed air from both sides.
Nev er use iron or steel wire to clean air holes and ducts in the
noz zles.
As the equipment works under pres su re the ut most care must
be observed during the work. Bearing this in mind, never aim
the spray gun at a person or towards any part of the bo dy In
the event of personal injury caused by the spray ing pressure,
immediate medical attention is essential. Before carrying out
any adjustment or repair, the equipment must be swit ched off
and the paint pres su re re li e ved.
In ha la tion of paint, paint dust and sol vent is not he al thy. Ma ke
su re an ap pro ved spray booth is used. The ope ra tor must use
per so nal pro tec tion-breath ing mask or fresh air hood.
65130 F205