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S  Återvinning

ECCO Finishing AB jobbar för en hållbarare global miljjö, 
därför vill vi att förbrukad produkt återvinns på bästa sätt.  
Detta görs lämpligast genom att skicka tillbaka den förbru-
kade produkten till ECCO Finishing AB (paketet märkt med  
”Återvinning”), eller om möjlighet finnas att demontera produk-
ten och källsortera delarna enligt gällande föreskrifter.

Retur adress:

ECCO Finishing AB Att. Återvinning
Afsengatan 6532 37 Skara


D  Recycling

ECCO Finishing AB bemüht sich um nachhaltigen Umgang  
mit Ressourcen und Umweltschutz. Deshalb möchten wir 
sicherstellen, dass Produkte und Materialien in der best-
möglichen Weise recycelt werden. Deshalb bieten wir die  
Möglichkeit der Rücksendung von ‘verbrauchten’ Produkten zum  
Recyceln an. Bitte demontieren Sie die Produkte soweit es 
möglich ist, und sende diese in einem Paket mit der Kenn-
zeichnung ‘Recycling’ an uns zurück.


ECCO Finishing AB Att. Recycling Afsengatan 6 
532 37 Skara Sweden

GB  Recycling

ECCO Finishing AB is working for a more sustainable global environme-
nt, that’s why we would like to make sure that the consumed product 
is  recycled in the best possible way. This is best done by returning the 
consumed product to ECCO Finishing AB (package marked with "re-
cycling"), or isible dismantled and recycled according to the applicable 
local regulations.   

Return address: 

ECCO Finishing AB Att. Recycling Afsengatan 6 
532 37 Skara 


FR  Recyclage

Ecco Finishing AB réalise des efforts permanents pour la protection de 
l’environnement, c’est pourquoi nous voulons nous assurer du meilleur 
recyclage possible de nos produits. Il est préférable pour cela de retour-
ner les produits marqués « recyclable »  directement à Ecco Finishing, 
ou si possible de les recycler sur place dans le respect de la  
régulation locale.


Adresse de retour:

ECCO Finishing AB Att. Recycling Afsengatan 6  
532 37 Skara   Sweden





Automatic air spray gun used for spray ing of wet 
paint  un der  low  pres su re.

Principal data


Max. working  

Max. flushing  

Min/.max. air  


fluid pressure 


operation pressure 

Ecco bar







All parts for the gun has been tested and certified for  
optimum performance and can only be replaced with  
genuine spare parts to maintain the total performance.

Be fore  start ing,  read  through  all  in struc tions  care ful ly.

Operators instructions

Im por tant

Do not use halogenated hydrocarbons in coating ap pli ca tion 
equipment where aluminium or gal va ni zed parts come  
in contact with the solvent or coating ma te ri al.  
Ha log en at ed  hydrocarbons  e.g.  1,1,1-thri chlo ro et ha ne  and  
methylene chloride react, violently with such parts, causing 
corrosion and dan ger for ex plo sion.


The high vel o ci ty flow of air and li qu ids through ho ses and  
nozz les  may de ve lop sta tic elec tri ci ty.  Be  su re  that  the   
equ ip ment,  object  being  spray ed,  spray booth,  paint  and  
was te con tai ner  are  pro per ly  groun ded  to  pre vent  sta tic  
di schar ge or sparks.  


Op er a tion


In stall and op er ate the spray gun ac cording to Fig. 

Automatic spray 

gun Ecco A72AS 



3. Blow the paint and air hoses clean before 



Check that all connections are tight .


Keep the spray gun clean and lu bri cate (waterfree vaseline)  

mov ing parts at regular intervals.


Lu bri cants  for  sur face-treatment  equip ment  

must  not  con tain 

sil i con.

•   For short standstill periods, for instance over a night, it will 

suf fice to clean the air and paint nozzles on the outside. If a   

two-com po nent paint is used, however, the gun 

must be flushed  

through  im me di ate ly

 with solvent. This must also be done if  the 

gun is to re main unused for a longer period of time.


When cleaning the air cap and the paint nozzle use a soft 

brush dipped in clean solvent. Do not place the entire gun in  

solvent, as the oil on the lubricated parts would be dissolved. Blow 

the air cap dry with comressed air from both sides. 


Nev er  use  iron  or  steel  wire  to  clean  air  holes  and  ducts  in the 

noz zles.


When  as ses sing  the  re ac tion  ti me  of  the  con nec ted  spray  gun 

(the  ti me  from  the  start  im pul se  until  spray ing  com men ces)  the 

re ac tion time of the control valve must  be  tak en  in to   

con sid er a tion.

•   Rec om mend size for control valve:   

– Con trol valve, 3-way, G 1/4. Min. flow ar ea 28 mm




        Me chan i cal ly,  pneu mat i cal ly  or  electrically





As the equipment works under pres su re the ut most care must 
be observed during the work. Bearing this in  mind, never aim 
the spray gun at a person or towards any part of  the bo dy. In 
the event of personal injury caused by the spray ing pressure, 
immediate medical attention is essential. Before  carrying out 
any adjustment or repair, the equipment must  be  swit ched  off 
and  the  paint  pres su re  re li e ved.


Paint  spray ing

In ha la tion of paint, paint dust and sol vent is not he al thy. Ma ke  
su re an ap pro ved spray booth is used. The ope ra tor must use 
per so nal pro tec tion-breath ing mask or fresh air hood. 


The spray gun must be earthed to prevent  any  electrostatic 
di schar ge. 
This can be done through the mounting or air/fluid hoses.  
A resistance less than 10


 Ohms is recommended.

