P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
Standard stove operation for 13240 designation) Models 850 and 678
Initial Firing
The stove may be started with a firelighter or paper twists and kindling.
The stove should be loaded with 4 split logs about 150mm diameter x 320mm long stocked in
wigwam fashion in the fire box.
The primary air control should be pulled out to the manufacturers set stop. Run until re-loading
is needed, where upon add the remainder of the first 10 kg batch of wood (2-3 batches).
Do not over fire the stove for its initial firing within its first twenty four hours run period to
ensure damage does not occur within the castings.
The stove may be run night and day continuously but will not continue to burn longer than 1.5 -
2.5 hours before re-fuelling (dependent upon how well the flue draws and density or condition
of the fuel that is being burned).
Subsequent Firing
Re-starting the stove after its initial firing should be carried out with the ash pit cleared out and
pulled out for a quarter of its distance up to the stop/retainer within the ash pit. A raging lively
fire will be seen which is ideal. Run at this rate for the first load of fuel.
Re-fuelling after starting
Refuelling must only be carried out with sufficient fuel within the stove to immediately ignite
the new fuel load. Overloading could cause excessive smoke.
If the fire bed is too low for immediate ignition of the new fuel load suitable kindling must be
used to restart the fire.
Re-fuel before the initial load of fuel is fully burned away with maximum 150mm diameter split
dry logs stacked with the end grain pointing away from the door.
Run for a short period with the ash pit door pulled out to the manufacturers stop to establish a
bright fire then close. The stove may be run on this basis for as long as needed.
Your Ecco stove will not stay in overnight. It will need re-lighting the next morning.