This message describes special
Precautions that must be taken
to avoid damage to the car.
Failure to follow WARNING
instructions could result in
severe injury or death of the
golf car passengers,
bystanders, or the person
driving the golf car.
Indicates to pay attention, be
alert, your safety is involved.
This message provides
additional information
Read and understand this
manual completely before
operating your golf car.
Dear Users,
Thank you for purchasing an Ecar. We have adopted technological
advancements from Europe and the United States as our main imported
components. Our carts are known for their innovative design. Complete
with luxurious professional paint jobs and high-strength steel which gives
our carts a stylish look while being reliable and having excellent
The notable features include being lightweight; having a strong uphill
driving function; being eco-friendly; low noise; easy-to-charge and more
while being reasonably priced. We are proud to say our carts are the most
advanced in the field of electric carts at the moment.
We have created this operation manual in order for us to help
users operate and maintain it correctly. In order to ensure your ecar is in
the best working condition and can be used for a long time; please read
this manual carefully.
Our products are always improving and updating. If this manual does not
exactly match the actual product at hand, it can still serve as a standard
guide. However, we advise users to contact us regarding this matter.
This car is designed for relaxation and sightseeing purposes only. It’s
suitable for special specific places like tourism scenic areas, pedestrian mall and
anything similar. Please do not use on highways and roads.
Particularly important information is
distinguished by using the following
symbols and notes:
continually seeks improvement
in product quality. Even though this
manual contains the latest product
information available at the time of
printing, there may be minor
discrepancies between your golf car
and this manual. If you have any
question concerning this manual,
please contact your
dealer and
we will work it out.
This manual should be considered
as a permanent part of your golf car
and should stay with the car even
when the car is resold.