K000104 - BW4+
System stop due to an error in the exhaust system:
Code 62
– High exhaust pres-
E R R O R C A U S E :
Excessive pressure before the internal exhaust heat exchanger (pressure switch
(130 mbar) in the electronics compartment of the Power Unit).
Excessive pressure in the external exhaust system (pressure switch (50 mbar) on
the safety circuit).
Excessive temperature in the external exhaust system (temperature sensor on
the exhaust pipe).
C H E C K A L A R M C A U S E A N D C O R R E C T E R R O R S :
Remove the lid of the safety box on the safety circuit.
Reset the temperature sensor by pressing the trigger with a screwdriver.
Put the lid of the safety box back on again.
G A S S A F E T Y C I R C U I T P C B / E C U P C B
On the gas safety circuit PCB/ECU PCB, press
I Q - C O N T R O L PA N E L
on the user interface of the iQ-Control Panel to reset the alarm.
Start the XRGI® system normally.
5. T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G
The inspection and maintenance of a heating system is prescribed by the Energy
Saving Ordinance and the standards DIN 4756 and DIN 1988-8a. To ensure trou-
ble-free, energy-saving and environmentally friendly operation, the heat exchang-
er must also be cleaned and maintained at least once a year. To do this, it is best to
conclude an inspection and maintenance contract with your heating contractor.
M A I N T E N A N C E & C L E A N I N G
The plate heat exchanger has no moving parts or electrical components.
The following should be inspected regularly:
Operational design conditions for the system being maintained and meeting
the calculated/design values (leaving temp., pressure drop).
Increased pressure drop and decreased thermal efficiency over time are signs
of possible fouling.
Connections for tightness.
Signs of corrosion.
Seal and gaskets.
External components such as valves, dampers and controls.
6.1 M A I N T E N A N C E