Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
NE2-D11/NE2-D12 User Manual
Copyright © 2012-2024,
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
application. first checks the relevant settings on the computer.
Turn off the firewall and antivirus software of the computer;
Configure the network card connected with the equipment;
This case is aimed at testing the device directly connected to the computer. It is
necessary to configure the computer as static IP (the computer is directly connected to the serial
server, and there is no router to allocate it, and the computer cannot obtain the IP address). When
using the switch or router, it is necessary to ensure that the device and the computer are on the same
network end (for example, 192.168. 3. xxx);
Here, the static IP of the computer is 192.168. 3.4 (the same network segment as the
serial server), the subnet mask is 255.255. 255.0, and the default gateway is 192.168. 3.1.
2.3.2 Default parameter
Default parameter
IP address