12-11-2015 - 6 - ebode IPV68P2P
Shortcut icon Windows OS Shortcut icon Mac OS
Note: If your computer does not have a CD drive, you can download the IP camera tool from
the ebode electronics website (
) for free. The camera has a
build-in webserver with all the necessary software in it. The only piece of software needed
is the IP Camera Tool to find the camera on the network.
3. Access the Camera
Enable the DHCP feature of your router (enabled by default normally), then open the IP
Camera Tool program which you have dragged to your desktop in the previous step. It
should display the camera’s IP address in your LAN (Local Area Network). Please make sure
the camera is connected to the same LAN as your computer.
If everything is connected right you should see your camera in the IP Camera Tool as
shown in the above image. Please click the camera and your default browser will open up to
the camera’s login page. When logging in for the first time, you will need to download and
install the IPCWebComponents. Internet Explorer and Google Chrome example are shown
below. For MAC OS Safari, or Mozilla Firefox, please refer to the User Manual. Note: It does
not support 64-bit browser.
Internet Explorer