3.5. Display
driver utility supports multiple monitor and display system. To
work with multiple monitor system, you need to do proper configuration
to map the touchscreen working area to the correct system display
area. You can do such configuration with this property page shown as
Please follow below instructions to do the configuration:
Enable multiple monitor
Check this check box to enable multiple monitor support and uncheck it
to disable multiple monitor support. When this function is disabled, the
touchscreen will be mapped to the primary monitor automatically.
When this function is enabled, user can double click on the monitor
area in the monitor geometry window to assign the monitor area where
the touchscreen will be mapped. In other word, the touchscreen will
work with the selected monitor. Then, the selected monitor area
rectangle line will be changed to be white and the other monitor
rectangles line will be grey.
Map to main monitor when the system has only one monitor
When the multiple monitor function was enabled, and the system has
only one monitor.
Driver allows user to generate the mouse event for the primary monitor
Chapter 3