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Traveling in sub-‐freezing temperatures will require certain precautions to protect the plumbing system and
your personal belongings from being damaged by freezing.
Whenever possible the heat should be kept on at a constant temperature. It is easier for the furnace to keep
a constant room temperature than for the trailer temperature to be allowed to drop to 50 degrees Fahrenheit
then attempt to raise it to room temperature.
There are 12-‐Volt heat pads installed with the fresh, gray, and black water tanks. These pads are
individually switched with the switches located on the monitor panel and are thermostatic controlled.
: Drain and winterize all models if the water systems are not being used during winter
traveling. See winterizing section in this manual for instructions.
: Always shut off the LP gas when gasoline is added to the tow vehicle.
Some states do not allow LPG to be turned on while moving. While traveling in these states you must use
your common sense. How cold is it? How long will it be before you can turn the heat back on? Is the
temperature dropping or raising? Remember, when towing at 50 MPH the wind chill factor will cause the
interior of the trailer to cool much faster than a trailer that is parked.
When parked in sub-‐freezing temperatures make sure you keep a full supply of LP gas and plug into a 110
volt power source whenever possible. A fully charged battery will not last more than 8 to 10 hours if the
furnace is running almost constantly and 110-‐volt power is not available.
Leave cabinet doors, wardrobes and bed doors partially open to allow warm air to circulate around
plumbing lines and fixtures. Insulate and/or wrap your exterior water lines with heat tape.
It is also important to guard against excessive humidity. Cold air will not hold the moisture and sweating
will occur around window frames, on window glass and may occur where structural beams connect the
inner and outer walls of the trailer. The best method to combat sweating is to hold water vapor producing
functions to a minimum. Boiling water, baths, showers, washing dishes are necessities, but usually can be
reduced. Opening windows just slightly on opposite sides of the trailer will also help alleviate the problem.
In severe conditions you may want to use a small dehumidifier to aid in reducing condensation.
The Earthbound RV trailer is built as a recreational vehicle and is not intended as a permanent dwelling
or for more than temporary use in sub-‐freezing temperatures.