S I X - H I G H K F 8 6 0 C O N F I G U R A T I O N
Typical Uses: Arenas
Coverage: +15 degrees to -60 degrees
Bumper Bar Trim Height (nominal): 40 ft
Splay: The boxes are aimed +5, 0, -5, -10, -20, & -35 degrees,
so the boxes should be rigged with 5 degree (top to second
box), 5 degree (second to third box), 5 degree (third to fourth
box), 10 degree (fourth to fifth box), and 15 degree (fifth to
sixth box) splays.
Aiming: The cluster should be aimed so that the top box
points at the farthest seat. This configuration is tuned for a
300 ft throw to the farthest seat with maximized vertical
Processors: One processor should drive the upper four
boxes. This processor is referred to as “main” in the settings.
A second processor should drive the two lowest boxes.
This processor is referred to as “downfill” in the settings.
NOTE: This is different from all of the smaller rigs, which
treat only the one bottom box as “downfill”.
• For manual entry – use file
which may be
found at ftp://ftp.eaw.com/PPSTfiles/KF860.
• For ECORE – use file
which may be found
at ftp://ftp.eaw.com/Process/MX8600