See figures 12 - 20 for a
pictorial explanation.
Once the cartridge kit
has been removed from the
housing, place the kit on a clean
flat bench, outlet support plate
down. (Figure 12)
Remove the two socket head
cap screws holding the kit
together. Note the location of
the two screws in the inlet plate.
When the kit is reassembled in
the opposite direction, these
screws will be installed in the
opposite set of inlet plate holes.
(Figure 13)
Slide the inlet support plate
off of the inlet wafer plate.
(Figure 14)
Remove the inlet wafer plate,
cam ring, rotor, vanes, and
outlet wafer plate as one unit
from the outlet support plate.
(Figure 15)
Rotate this group of
components 180 degrees
and place it back on the outlet
support plate. The etched arrow
in the ring should be pointing
the opposite direction as before.
Do not attempt to remove the
vanes. They should be contained
between the wafer plates as the
180° rotation is performed.
(Figure 16)
Align the inlet windows
of the wafer plates to the inlet
windows of the outlet support
plate.Place the inlet support
plate back on the rotating group,
aligning its inlet windows with
the rest of the kit. Reinstall and
finger tighten the socket head
cap screws in the opposite set
of holes as before. In order for
the kit to fit back in the housing,
it must first be aligned. This can
be done by placing the kit on its
side and rolling it on a hard, flat,
clean bench. While the kit is on
its side, tighten the SCHS snug.
Finally, place the kit upright and
tighten the screws to the torque
specs below (Figures 17-20):
25 VMQ 20 (2.28 Nm)
35 VMQ 20 (2.28 Nm)
45 VMQ 40 (4.55 Nm)
All parts must be thoroughly
clean and kept clean during
inspection and assembly.
Remove the shaft seal(s),
O-rings, back-up rings and seal
pack subassemblies. Use a new
seal kit for reassembly. Refer to
the VMQ parts catalog for kit
If the pump has
demonstrated poor performance
or loud noise, the cartridge
kit must be replaced. These
problems were a result of a poor
system condition. Check inlet
conditions, fluid cleanliness, and
other system components that
may be faulty before installation
of a new cartridge kit.
Pre-assembled replacement
cartridge kits are available.
If the old cartridge is worn
extensively, a new kit should
be used.
Rotate the bearing while
applying pressure to check for
wear, looseness and pitted or
cracked races.
Inspect seal and bushing
mating surfaces on shaft for
scoring or wear. Replace
the shaft if marks cannot be
removed by light polishing.
EATON Vickers
Single, Double, Triple and Thru-drive Pumps Overhaul Service Manual V-PUVN-TS001-E October 2002
Section VI —
Overhaul (cont.)
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
C. Drive Reversal (cont.)
D. Inspection and Repair
(location of bushing in cartridge kit, assuming a right hand rotation shaft)
R = right hand rotation kit
L = left hand rotation kit
Shaft End Kit
Center Kit
Cover End Kit
25, 35, 45 Single
Inlet Plate (R)
& Thru-Drive (R)
2525 Double (R)
No Bushing (R)
Outlet plate (L)
3525 Double (R)
Inlet Plate (R)
No Bushing (L)
4525 Double (R)
Inlet Plate (R)
No Bushing (L)
4535 Double (R)
Inlet Plate (R)
No Bushing (L)
352525 Triple (R)
Inlet Plate (R)
No Bushing (L)
Outlet Plate (L)
453525 Triple (R)
Inlet Plate (R)
Outlet Plate (L)
No Bushing (L)
The opposite rotating kits would be used in a (L) pump.