MANUAL mode should be used whenever the driver wants to select the shifts
instead of letting UltraShift select them automatically. For example, when the
driver is moving around the yard, over railroad tracks, or on steep grades.
Driver manually selects the start gear and uses the up/down buttons
to shift (see Note *).
System holds current gear unless otherwise prompted by using up /
down-shift buttons, except for the “Transmission Override” condi-
tions noted below.
Multiple gear upshifts and downshifts may be allowed when the shift
buttons are pushed multiple times (Each button push equals one gear
change request).
For optimal vehicle performance, it is recommended the vehicle be
operated in “D” Drive mode.
MANUAL / Hold Mode
The ability to restrict driver use of MANUAL mode is configurable.
The default setting for this configuration is “Disabled” which allows
standard MANUAL mode operation in all gears.
When configured the MANUAL mode becomes a Hold gear function
only (i.e. up/down buttons have no effect). In addition, provides an
alert tone every 10 seconds.
If the driver has selected MANUAL mode, and the transmission is in
a gear equal to or greater than the configured Hold Gear; the trans-
mission will remain in the current gear, up/down buttons are dis-
abled (except for “Transmission Override” conditions).
Gears lower than the configured hold gear will allow standard MAN-
UAL mode operation.