9x55 8–15 kVA Battery Upgrade (8–15 kVA)
—Rev 1
Chhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Eaton has designed a new harness (see
Figure 16
) for the battery trays within the 9X55 8-15KVA products as an
effort to provide arc flash mitigation. Battery trays should be replaced to include the adapter on every battery
shelf. This adapter is included in models starting in September 2016. Older models require this battery
Prior to the upgrade, the two battery trays in a shelf are oriented in opposite directions. The positive terminal of
the left tray is to the front of the unit while the negative terminal of the right tray is in the front. After this
upgrade, all trays will be oriented with the positive terminals to the front.
Installing the new adapter requires that you cut the existing terminals off of the red and black wires on the front
of the battery shelf, strip the wire back 1/4 inch, install and crimp the new adapter onto the wires, and add
shrink wrap over the crimped terminal.