Form 6 recloser control KME6-1875-1, KME6-1875-2, and KME6-1875-3
fiber optic converter kits installation instructions
InstallatIon InstructIons
MN280079EN May 2017
Product information
Service Information MN280079EN provides installation
instructions for Eaton Cooper Power series Form 6 recloser
control KME6-1875-1, KME6-1875-2, and KME6-1875-3 fiber
optic converter kits.
Read this manual first
Read and understand the contents of this manual and follow
all locally approved procedures and safety practices before
installing or operating this equipment.
Additional information
These instructions cannot cover all details or vari ations
in the equipment, procedures, or process described, nor
provide directions for meeting every possible contin gency
during installation, operation, or maintenance. For additional
information, contact your Eaton representative.
ANSI standards
Eaton Cooper Power series reclosers are designed and
tested in accordance with the following ANSI standards:
C37.60 and C37.85 and ANSI Guide C37.61.
Quality standards
ISO 9001-Certified Quality Management System.
Acceptance and initial inspection
Each Form 6 recloser control fiber optic converter kit is in
good condition at the factory and when accepted by the
carrier for shipment.
Upon receipt, inspect the carton for signs of damage.
Unpack the kit(s) and inspect it thoroughly for damage
incurred during shipment. If damage is discovered, file a
claim with the carrier immediately.
Handling and storage
Be careful during handling and storage of the kit to minimize
the possibility of damage. If the kit is to be stored for any
length of time prior to installation, provide a clean, dry
storage area.
The fiber optic converter accessory provides a permanent
link for two-way, real-time, serial communications with
a remote terminal unit (RTU), telephone modem, or
personal computer.
The instructions for these three Form 6 recloser control
fiber optic accessory kits are included in this manual:
KME6-1875-1 Form 6 Pole Mount Control Kit
KME6-1875-2 Form 6 Yard Mount Control Kit
KME6-1875-3 Form 6 Rack Mount Control Kit
This kit can not be combined, installed, or used with the
KME6-1801-1 auxiliary switch accessory kit available for
the Form 6 pole and yard mount recloser controls .
For additional information on installing the control,
removing the control from service, and control testing
procedures, refer to the appropriate service manual for
additional information:
Service Information MN280075EN Form 6 Rack Mount
Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions
Service Information MN280076EN Form 6 Yard Mount
Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions
Service Information MN280077EN Form 6 Pole Mount
Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions
Service Information S280-70-4 Form 6 Recloser Control
Programming Guide
KME6-1875-1 fiber optic converter kit for form 6 pole
mount control
This kit can not be combined, installed, or used with the
KME6-1801-1 auxiliary switch accessory kit .