Q->&V< Reactive-Power/Undervoltage Protection
Available Elements:
The number of distributed energy resources (DER) raises continuously. At the same time the controllable power
reserve through large-scale power plants decreases.
Therefore various grid codes requirements and regulations stipulate that mains parallel distributed power plants,
consisting of one or more power generation units feeding power into the MV grid, have to support the mains voltage in
case of failures.
In case of failure the voltage close to the short circuit location drops nearly to zero. Around the fault location a potential
gradient area is built whose expansion can be restricted by feeding reactive-power into the grid. At mains failures
(voltage drop) the Q->V< protection prevents the expansion of the potential gradient area for the case that any further
reactive-power is taken from the mains.
The function of this protection module is not the protection of the power generation system itself, but more the
decoupling of the power generation system when it takes reactive current from the mains in case the voltage drops
below a certain value. This protection is an upstream system protection.
The Q->&V< protection module with decoupling and auto
function is implemented as an autonomous
protection element according to the German regulations
The comprehensive setting and configuration possibilities of this protection element allow the adaptation of connected
energy resources to various grid conditions.
For the correct function of this protection module you have to
Configure the »General Settings«,
Select and set the decoupling method.
Configure the reconnection of the power generation units.
General Settings
For each parameter set [Protection Para\Set [x]\Q->&V<] the general settings »General Settings« can be configured.
Here the entire function of this protection element can be activated or deactivated.
By activating the voltage transformer supervision a malfunction of this protection module can be prevented.
Transmission Code 2007, Netz- und Systemregeln der deutschen Übertragungsnetzbetreiber, Version 1.1, August 2007, Verband der
Netzbetreiber –VDN – e.V. beim VDEW siehe Kap. (6)
Technische Richtlinie „Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz“, Richtlinie für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am
Mittelspannungsnetz, Ausgabe Juni 2008, BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., siehe Kap. – Blindleistungs-
Unterspannungsschutz Q->&U<