3 Commissioning
3.1 Prerequisites
easy800-BLT-ADP Bluetooth adapter
07/12 MN04902002Z-EN
3 Commissioning
Once the easy800-BLT-ADP Bluetooth adapter is installed, it must be recog-
nized the first time the computer‘s operating system is started. The operat-
ing system will assign a COM interface to the wireless connection. This con-
nection will be set up once only. Once the connection has been set up, it can
be selected in the easySoft-Pro programming software. To enable communi-
cations between easySoft-Pro and the device, simply follow the same steps
as usual. The connection will need to be enabled every time the program-
ming software is started, as well as every time after communications are
interrupted. For more information, please consult the easySoft-Pro online
help function.
3.1 Prerequisites
The Bluetooth adapter can communicate with an installed Bluetooth adapter
on the computer, with a Bluetooth adapter plugged into the computer‘s USB
port, or with other freely available Bluetooth modules.
The following operating systems are supported:
Windows XP from SP 3
Windows Vista
Windows 7 (32 bit / 64 bit)
The Bluetooth adapter is compatible with Bluetooth versions 2.0 to 3.0.
Newer versions, such as 4.0, and older versions, such as 1.2, are not sup-
In order to place the adapter into operation, the following conditions must be
The Bluetooth adapter must be installed on one of the devices that it will
be used with.
The device is switched on.
The Bluetooth adapter must have been set up in Windows.
easySoft-Pro version 6.91 or higher must be installed and running.
3.2 Establishing a Bluetooth connection in Windows
The Bluetooth connection is established in Windows, which is why it will
depend exclusively on the operating system version and product edition you
are using. For instructions on how to set up the connection, please consult
the included help system. For Windows 7, you will find the corresponding
instructions in the “Connect to Bluetooth and other wireless or network
devices“ chapter. The following example shows one way to establish a con-
nection in Windows 7.