Enabling the Front Panel Reset Key
The fourth screen in the program mode allows the user to
enable or disable the front panel reset key.
Du rant
Press the
key to choose the option you want.
Note: The reset terminal on the rear panel is still active
when the front reset button is disabled.
To exit the program mode, break the connection between
terminals 1 and 5.
Following these suggestions will increase noise immunity
and lengthen unit life.
Cable: The connection between the count source and the
ratemeter should be made with a two-conductor shielded
cable. The shield should be connected to earth ground at
one end only. The connecting cable should not be run in
conduits with cables switching high inductive loads.
Relay Coil Suppression: If a relay contact is used as a
count source, the relay coil should be suppressed. This
can be accomplished with an RC network for AC coils or a
diode for DC coils. The Durant RC suppressor (38091-
400) may be used.
Mounting: The totalizer should not be mounted near a
solenoid or other inductive devices. Enough ventilation
should be supplied to keep the ratemeter operating within
the temperature specifications. Do not mount this unit in a
heavy vibration area.
The lithium battery that powers your device contains in-
flammable materials such as lithium organic solvent, and
other chemical ingredients. Explosion or fire may result if
the battery is not handled correctly. To avoid an accident
follow these guidelines:
Do not heat batteries above 95°C
Do not recharge lithium batteries
Do not dispose of batteries in fire
Insert battery with correct polarity
Solid State Quadrature Input
Current Sourcing Sensor
5 E n a b le /R
5 E n a b le /R
R S T 4
IN A 3
IN B 2
G N D 1
6 D C C o m m o n
7 + 1 0 -3 0 V D C
5 E n a b le / R
5 E n a b le / R
R S T 4
IN A 3
IN B 2
G N D 1
6 D C C o m m o n
7 + 1 0 -3 0 V D C
C urrent Sink ing
S ens or
+ 6 +2 8 V D C
1 .5 k
Program Mode Enable & Backight Wiring
5 E n a b le /R
5 E n a b le /R
R S T 4
IN A 3
IN B 2
G N D 1
6 D C C o m m o n
7 + 1 0 -3 0 VD C
Remote Reset
5 E n a b le /R
5 E n a b le /R
R S T 4
IN A 3
IN B 2
G N D 1
6 D C C o m m on
7 + 1 0 -3 0 VD C
Term in al
F u nc tio n
G ro und
Inp ut B
C oun t Inpu t
Inp ut A
C oun t Inpu t
R es et
P rog ra m
E n able
B a ck light
C om m on
B a ck light
P o w er
O p eratio n
U s e w ith C urrent S ourcing
Q uadratu re C ount S ourc e
U s e w ith C urrent S ourcing
Q uadratu re C ount S ourc e
C onn ec t through C onta ct C los e
to G round
C onn ec t to G round to E n ter
P rog ra m M od e
C onn ec t to P ow er to
Light D isp lay
Solid State Quadrature Input
Current Sinking Sensor