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   InformationSheets  70C1454H02


FIGURE 2.  Digitrip 520MC with ARMs

For the other two methods of arming the Maintenance
Mode function, this switch must be in the position labeled
0/1.With this setting, a remote switch wired through the
breaker secondary contacts can remotely arm the
Maintenace Mode setting. A high quality, gold plated or
palladium contact is required in this application.The blue
LED will verify that the function is armed. 

(See wiring

diagram on page five.)

A  third method to arm the maintenance setting is via a
communication device. A Palm Pilot along with an IR Mint
device can be employed to arm the setting. By initiating
the ENABLE setting, the Maintenance Mode selection in
the control screen of the Palm, Maintenance Mode is set.

There is a confirmation screen that verifies the arming. A
BIM (Breaker Interface Module) is another communcation
method to arm the setting. When Maintenance Setting is
enabled via device communications, this setting must be
disabled by device communications.

4.0 Remote Indicator

The Magnum circuit breaker will be wired with secondary
contacts A9 and A12. Circuit breakers built after
September 2005 have a normally open contact available for
customer use. This contact can be used to indicate
remotely that the Maintenance setting is armed. Refer to
diagram on page three for a wiring of this remote (blue
light) indicator.

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