Eaton Crouse-hinds series Technical Support Download Page 2

TSN  MTL830x Transition

July 2019

DRAFT 02 March 2016


2  Steps for replacing the MTL830B with the MTL830C system


1. Record the settings if the exsiting MTL830B system.



a. Record the channel configuration (thermocouple, mV, 2-wire RTD, 3-wire RTD or 4-wire RTD



b. Record the address of each MTL831B. The address is set by the positions of SW 100 switches 1 and 2.                 



    NOTE:  Only addresses 1 and 2 are used.


2. Power of the MTL830B system. This can be done by turning off or disconnecting the power to the MTL838B-HON units.

3. Replace each MTL831B with an MTL831C (see the MTL831C Analog Transmitter Instruction Manual (INM MTL831C) for     




a. For hazardous area installations, confirm the Intrinsic Safety entity parameters of the sensors are compatible with the  



    entity parameters of the MTL831C. 



b. Move the wires from each MTL831B sensor input channel to the corresponding MTL831C sensor input channel. 



c. Each sensor input channel has 4 terminals labelled A, B, C, and D.  The proper connections to the terminals for each  



    input type are shown in the drawing below.


d. The extra components, terminal strips and wiring used to connect RTDs to the MTL831B are not necessary on the  



   MTL831C. The MTL831C supports direct connection 0f 2, 3 and 4-wire RTDs. Extra diodes for RTD measurements  



   are not required with the MTL831C. Connect each RTD to its own input channel port.


Figure 2:

  MTL 831C Terminal Connections for the Various Sensor Types
