Fault symptom
Remove method
c) The voltage became lower
d) The water level is too high or
less than the standard
e) There are oil in the water.
d) Adjust the water level
e) Clean the water tank and the
Off-odor exist in
the fog
There is foreign matter in the
tank or in the pipe
Remove the foreign matter inside
7. Maintenance
1. Water tank maintenance: Please replace the water in the water tank regularly to
reduce the deposition of scale in the atomizer.
2. Water tank cleaning: clean the water tank regularly. Turn off and uplog the
machine before cleaning so as to avoid contact incident.
3. Cleaning method: Turn the fixing screw on the cover of the water tank, and open
the tank cover plate(please pay attention to the circuit connection inside), use a
soft cotton close or brush to clean(Dish soap is available). see Fig 12. The scale
and other foreign matter around the water tank, then use clean water to flush out,
be careful not to spill water on the components and wiring to avoid short circuit.
(Don’t use high acid alkaline liquid cleaner to clean any parts of the atomizer.)
We don’t recommend to add the water from the fog outlet or water
outlet, as the water level in the tank is difficult to be controlled by this way.
8. Precautions
The power supply must be grounded.
In principle, don’t add water from the outlet of fog , please connect the water
pipe to input water.
Direct humidification is not allowed, it is required that the pipe at the nozzle of