Phones behaves
In menu, go to “Settings > Restore defaults in order to revert
phone to the factory settings. In case you haven’t changed it, the
factory password is 1122.
To set human tone follow
Menu => Settings => User Profiles => select General / Outdoor => Customize => scroll to
Keypad => Options => Change => select Human voice tone => OK => Options => Save
For any modify to activate/deactivate
Example Changing Alarm follow:
Menu => Extras => Alarms => Edit => State ... to change from off to on, press the * / # keys
This warranty does not limit the rights granted to consumers by specific national rules on consumer goods.
The period of time during which this warranty is valid is limited to 24 months starting from the first date of
purchase of the product. If it is used for professional purposes, the period is reduced to 12 months. During
the warranty period, the national distributor Easyteck indicated at the bottom of this certificate, will, at its
own expense and within a reasonable time, remove any interferences that may be encountered, and caused
by manufacturing defects. Except as required by applicable law, the defects found by assistance personnel
will be resolved by repair or, at the discretion Easyteck, through the replacement of the Product.
This limited warranty is only valid in the European country for which the product is intended and is the sole
responsibility of the national distributor of reference for that country and which is identified in the bottom of
the certificate. Some limitations in assistance services covered by this warranty may arise from the presence
of specific components for a country.
Warranty referred to accessories and spare parts contained in the package
The package for the product covered by this warranty may contain accessories or spare parts that have a
different warranty period since they are consumables, the warranty periods are summarized as follows:
- 24 months for cell phones