Document Reference No.: ES_000008
S1-A-7001 RS232 to 1-Port CANbus Adapter User Guide
Version 1.2
Clearance No.: ES #03
©2009-10 EasySync Ltd.
Application Programming Interfaces
ASCII commands
The following ASCII commands provide a means of utilizing an interactive terminal program, or
communication through a standard COM or TTY port. Unrecognized commands return the ASCII BELL
character (0x07). Some useful settings for a terminal program to assist in the human readability of
command responses are:
Echo typed characters locally – the S1-A-7001 does not echo characters.
Append line feeds to incoming carriage returns (0x0D).
The S1-A-7001 defaults to 57.6Kbps RS232 communications. If a different RS232 bit rate is
chosen, that rate will be the new default on subsequent power cycles.
The CAN messages are received at all times by default and are sent on the RS232 port immediately. The
firmware version 2.2 supports sustained read of CAN messages sent 1ms apart as well as a burst of up to
100 CAN messages sent 50us apart.