Document Reference No.: ES_000086
ES-R-2x01B-M RS-232 to RS-422/RS-485 Converters Manual
Version 1.0
Clearance No.: ES
©2010 - 2011 EasySYNC Ltd.
Appendix A - List of Figures and Tables
List of Figures
9V DC to 48V DC power input connector .................................................. 5
Jumpers used to select RS-232 DCE and DTE ........................................... 7
RS-422 4 Wire Full Duplex ..................................................................... 11
RS-422 with handshaking signals connected ......................................... 11
RS-485 Half Duplex Wiring ..................................................................... 13
RS-485 Full Duplex Wiring ..................................................................... 15
List of Tables
Jumper settings for RS-232 DCE or DTE Pin Assignment ............................ 7
RS-422 and RS-485 configuration .............................................................. 7
Termination and Biasing configuration ....................................................... 8
RS-232 Pin-Out for DB-9 connector (DCE) ................................................. 9
RS-232 Pin-Out for DB-9 connector (DTE) .................................................. 9
RS-422 Pin-Out for DB-9 connector .......................................................... 10
RS-422 Pin-Out for 5-way terminal block ................................................. 10
RS-485 half-duplex pin-out for DB-9 connector ....................................... 12
RS-485 half-duplex pin-out for 5-way terminal block ............................... 12
RS-485 full duplex pin-out for DB-9 connector ...................................... 14
RS-485 full duplex pin-out for terminal block ........................................ 14