Page 21 - Standing
Standing/weight bearing may not be an option for the following reasons:
If the user has severe contractures or range of motion issues
If the user has severe osteoporosis or brittle bone disease
If the user has postural orthostatic hypotension
If the user has dislocated joints
Caution: Consumers considering a standing program should consult with a qualified
physician and medical team to determine what indications or contraindications exist.
Clinicians must use best clinical judgment to evaluate the user’s needs.
Implementing a standing program must be determined on an individual basis by the user’s
team (Physician, Physical or Occupational Therapist, Rehab Technology Professional/Supplier
and the consumer). Consider all indications and contraindications for each client individually
to determine if standing/weight bearing is appropriate for them.
To Stand
Caution: Always consult with a physician or therapist before starting a standing program.
Caution: Before standing, the seat/back angle indicator must be in green. Failure to set the
back angle in green prior to standing could cause the unit to lock in a standing position,
causing damage to the unit. Do not use the seat angle dial indicator as a reference while in
the standing position. It is only to be used as a guide while adjusting the seat depth
and back angle in the seated position .
Position feet, the knee support, and secure any straps or side supports. Push the pump
handle forward with 15-25 long strokes. The seat will slowly rise to the standing position.
Remember the seat can be stopped anywhere between sitting and standing.
Caution: Never make adjustments to the EasyStand while a user is in the standing position.
Return to the Seated Position
Move and hold the pump handle toward the rear until the desired position is reached. The
seat will slowly lower until the handle is released. If difficulty lowering the seat occurs, apply
less or more pressure to the handle. If the unit is in the standing position and unoccupied,
apply moderate pressure to the seat of the unit while holding the pump handle back. Do not
use excessive force.
Caution: When lowering the unit from standing to sitting, keep all hands and feet clear of
the mechanism beneath the seat.